Downloading the file from Dell's website was no problem at all. The only thing that bothers me is that the file is 100MB. A bit large for something that just handles wireless connections don't you think?
Anyways, in the past all attempts of upgrading my drivers have led to failure. For one reason or another, the upgrade doesn't work and I revert to old drivers. I always wonder what it is that I am missing ...
Back to the story ... I downloaded the drivers and installed them. I wasn't surprised when I was unable to connect to my network. Another upgrade, and another failure... Wait, not this time. I was determined to see it through.
To save you from my ramblings, this is what I found:
- My Intel wireless card does not like my wireless router.
- To get my router and the wireless card talking, I had to downgrade router. Actually, I went from a purely G router, to a mixed mode B/G setting.
- My wireless card likes to beep when it connects to a network

As for point 3 above, the beeping, I think that I managed to fix that by modifying a setting in the Intel PROSet/Wireless Application Settings (issue a Control + P from within the application) window. The setting that I changed was to uncheck the 'Show Information Notifications' box. This seemed to work for me.

All in all, I am glad that I finally was able to upgrade my drivers. Hope that you can too.
Update! - Dell has released some new drivers. I upgraded and report my results here!
Thanks I fix the problem!!
Yes, thanks for the beep instructions.
For those who are reading a beep maybe doesn´t sound very annoying when you connect to a network.
But this is no normal beep. It´s an all sound waveform consuming monster of a sound and is enough to send a shock of horror when you arrive at work before you had your first coffee after a late night drinking with a bunch of Scottish people who just invated your country to watch some football.
Thank you.
the sound was killing me! Thanks for the help.
That sound was killing me , thanks for the advice from Romania :)
Dude youre a life saver!!
I was looking everywhere for this!
I agree, Thank you SO MUCH, The beep is irritating as h@#$.
Thanks again.
thanks for the beep info on the Intel ProSet wifi app!
the volume of the beep can not be controlled by main volume or wave playback settings as I guess it originates from the piezoelectric sounder on the mainboard (also used for BIOS triggered warnings)
just got new Dell laptop, so learning the various quirks:
on Saturday I almost ruined my hearing having put on headphones prior to wifi connect (you can imagine what that was like)
then, as we were sitting quietly yesterday afternoon, I logged on to check mails and girlfriend jumped out of her skin when the lappy connected
I thought the Show Notifications setting might have something to do with it (pity you might lose the on screen note though)...
thanks again :O)
I would like to join the line of thankful people. Like all the other guys I thought @%&!?? when that BEEP hit me. Imagine that look on my face after trying all the usual like "no sounds" and browsing the tool's settings and still getting that stupid noise. Great idea hiding that properties window, Intel..
Again, thank you for sharing your solution!
Greetings from Berlin, Germany
Ahhh that stupid BEEP was KILLING ME!!!
Thanks for your help dude - sorted me out!
Thanks a lot for the post, helped me to get rid of annoying peep
Yeah the beep only started in the last 3-4 days, its weird, never happened before that, i turned the notification off and it seems to work, but i miss the message that comes up telling me about the connect, i guess i'll have to live without it ^^
goodbye beep
Thanky a lot!
I am glad that you have all had success with this irritating issue! Please keep coming back anytime (I read all comments) and feel free to post other problems that we can solve together!
Thanks for saving me the ten minutes it would've taken for me to figure this out on my own. God bless the quick fix threads on the internet. Excelsior!
literally a lifesaver, my life was getting shorter by the day living in the horrible fear of hearing the beep one more time.. one more beep would probably have been the last straw to have given me the fatal heart attack, so thanks for taking the time to post this life saving tip!!! and shame on you Intel, have you heard of a thing called usability? in case you haven't, it's kinda along the lines of testing
I won't go in details but that beep was as anoying as the default Windows safe mode beep. Thanks for the tip. My girldfriend and her daughters thank you. Every time my pc connected I was getting that evil beep.
Hope I can return the favour one day.
Thanks for the help to get rid of this killer beep!
I am so grateful for the solution to that god-awful beep! After a fresh install, it surprised me and drove me crazy. And it almost got me kicked out of the library!
Can't wait to test it out at the library later today. Thanks!
yes! one more grateful person here. the beep recently began after having this computer for 3 years (no idea why), and it is jarring as all H3LL. luckily, i *won't* miss the notification pop up.
well done,
greetings from germany
Thanks a lot for your help regarding the beepsound. It was terribly disturbing sitting in the university.
Thank you very much!
Thank you! I had spent a lot of time trying to get rid of the BEEP from hell. Even had opened the laptop and reseated the RAM per Dell forum instructions. So happy that beeping beep is gone!
Same with me. Beep was driving me nuts. Thanks so much for the cure.
Thanks for this fix to the annoying beep!
thanks. simply use windows wireless, pres F10 to disable aplication, Or install only drivers via setup or manual. i don't see advantage to use a dedicated software. in amny years on it domain i dont have chance to say : Phew,,,slave the lord for this software. Useles on my opinion.
Thank you so much for this, I updated the intel drivers recently and have had the beep ever since. Even if the sound was turned right down this double beep would bast out at full volume. Was driving me nuts. Even when intel proset, which appeared in the volume mixer, was muted it still beeped.
I posted the above last comment, but unfortunately it seems with the latest intel proset this doesn't work any longer. Even though ALL notifications are unchecked, and even if windows is used instead of the intel app the thing still beeps loudly twice on connecting to wifi :-(
Unfortunately, I no longer have a PC with Intel ProSet on it. Perhaps, the setting mentioned is in multiple places and has to be set everywhere?
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