find ./someJavaDir/ -type f -name '*.java' \-exec grep '^import .*$' '{}' \; | \sort | uniq | sort | awk '/import/ {print $2 }'
Basically, replace ./someJAVADir/ with the actual directory that you would like to search for JAVA imports.
find ./someJavaDir/ -type f -name '*.java' \-exec grep '^import .*$' '{}' \; | \sort | uniq | sort | awk '/import/ {print $2 }'
Running this sample code then produces (minus the Data::Dumper text):#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use XML::Simple; use Data::Dumper; my $xml = <<EOF; <fullletter> <CASE_EPIS>00036</CASE_EPIS> <letter> <IMAGENAME>02_20100423124541</IMAGENAME> <RUNDATE>2010-04-23 12:04:41</RUNDATE> <LETTERTYPE>LOI2</LETTERTYPE> </letter> <service> </service> <service> <NTV_SEQUENCE>26</NTV_SEQUENCE> <NTV_DISPLAY_VALUE>Need start date </NTV_DISPLAY_VALUE> </service> <service> </service> </fullletter> EOF # use XML simple to process the XML my $xs = XML::Simple->new( # remove extra whitespace NormaliseSpace => 2, # keep root element KeepRoot => 1, # force elements to arrays ForceArray => 1, # ignore empty elements SuppressEmpty => 1 ); # read in the XML my $ref = $xs->XMLin($xml); # print out the data structure # shows you how to access the data print Dumper($ref); # print out the XML minus the empty tags print $xs->XMLout($ref);
<fullletter> <CASE_EPIS>00036</CASE_EPIS> <letter> <IMAGENAME>02_20100423124541</IMAGENAME> <LETTERTYPE>LOI2</LETTERTYPE> <RUNDATE>2010-04-23 12:04:41</RUNDATE> </letter> <service> <NTV_DISPLAY_VALUE>Need start date</NTV_DISPLAY_VALUE> <NTV_SEQUENCE>26</NTV_SEQUENCE> </service> </fullletter>
Here is a little snippet that allows you to post to your Blogger blog from Perl:
use Net::SMTP::TLS; my $mailer = new Net::SMTP::TLS( '', # dont change Hello => '', # dont change Port => 587, # dont change User => '', # change to your username Password => 'password' # change to your password ); # you email address associated with the blog $mailer->mail(''); # the address to send the post to $mailer->to(''); $mailer->data; # blog post body $mailer->datasend("Subject: Title of my blog post\n\n") ; # keep the trailing \n\n! $mailer->datasend("The text of my post here\n"); # end blog post $mailer->dataend; $mailer->quit;
Let me know how this works for you!